Live Stream: JKCF "Closing the Excellence Gap" Summit Day 2
We hope you were able to watch our live stream of the first day of “Closing the Excellence Gap: Advocating for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students” yesterday. The event continues today, Friday, February 6, so please join us between 8:00-11:30 p.m. (ET) at
Agenda for Friday, February 6
8:30-9:45 AM Opportunities for Your Schools and Your Students
JKCF Selective High Schools Grant – Insider Tips for Developing a Competitive Grant Proposal
Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn, Director Grants and Higher Education, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Panel Discussion: Scholarship Opportunities
Beth Breger, Executive Director, Leadership for a Diverse America
Cecilia Marshall, Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Meara Weaver, Horatio Alger Association
Representative, Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Representative, Gates Millennium Scholars Foundation
Moderated by: Dr. Barbara Schmertz, Program Manager Higher Education, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
10:00-11:00 AM Research Presentation: Current Landscape on How States Serve High-Achieving Students
Dr. Jonathan Plucker, Endowed Professor of Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut