May 9, 2014: Education News We're Reading This Week


May 9, 2014—The best of what’s making the rounds in education news this week.

A new Gallup poll shows that graduates of prestigious colleges and universities fared no better than grads from other schools when it came to work engagement, sense of purpose, financial security, and more.

Some bad news here that the “national report card” for high school seniors didn’t yield great results.

This graph maps college majors from 1970-2011.

And this map shows “Where the average student loan burden is largest.”

Another on student loans, and how prices will rise next year.

Charles Blow, New York Times, and his take on why nurturing matters in a college setting.

One 16-year-old has earned herself a double-graduation party. See why via Huffington Post.

Here are this week’s articles about our new Undergraduate Transfer Scholars:

Finally, here’s some press we’ve received covering our Community College Transfer Initiative (CCTI):


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