Our Ethics
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is committed to the highest ethical standards and requires that all those affiliated with the Foundation – including officers, personnel, volunteers, Scholars, and Grantees – adhere to a strict code.
Reporting Fraud
If fraudulent activity has occurred, or if the Foundation requires help determining whether or not it has occurred, the Executive Director; Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer will inform the Board of Directors. Foundation management will then initiate further investigation and corrective action. If appropriate, the Foundation will contact and seek the assistance of law enforcement officials.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation firmly expects ethical behavior from Foundation officers, directors, and employees; its Scholars; affiliated university personnel; and other business associates. Fraudulent activity clearly violates this policy. Fraud includes any form of deliberate deception used to benefit someone unlawfully or unfairly. Should you observe suspected unethical behavior or fraudulent activity on the part of any of the individuals specified above, we ask that you immediately report the situation to one of the below Foundation representatives.
The Foundation will handle all reports by all parties in a confidential manner. It is against Foundation policy to take any retaliatory action against anyone for reporting suspected unethical or fraudulent activity.