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Press Release

Media Release: Community College Students Succeed on Four-Year Campuses When Provided Resources Study Finds

Lansdowne, VA – High-achieving community college students from low- to  moderate- income backgrounds succeed academically and contribute to the intellectual life of their campuses at highly selective four-year institu...

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Press Release

Media Release: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Awards $4…

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Press Release

Media Release: Foundation Awards 85 Undergraduate Transfer Scholarships

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Press Release

Media Release: Ed Trust Study Highlights Effects of the "Excellence Gap"

LANSDOWNE, VA – The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is pleased to support The Education Trust’s recent research, “Falling Out of the Lead: Following High Achievers Through High School and Beyond.”

The following stat...

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Press Release

Media Release: Foundation Awards 86 College Scholarships for…

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Press Release

Media Release: Foundation Awards Over $200,000 To Nine…

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Press Release

Media Release: JKCF Seeks Exceptionally Promising 7th Graders…

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