Building a Better City: Cooke Scholar Chat Travieso
Chat Travieso describes himself as an artist, designer, and educator. After graduating from the Yale School of Architecture as a Cooke Scholar, Chat worked as an architectural and urban designer before launching his own community-focused art and design practice.
“In some ways, this work is meant to be about creating a more open and just city – especially toward communities that are often excluded,” Chat explains in our newest scholar spotlight video. Watch to see how Chat’s public arts projects are designed to be utilized and enjoyed by residents:
His most recent project, a collaboration with fellow artist Samuel Holleran, worked with community members in New York City’s lower east side to create colorful, abstract installations along a bike lane. Chat reflects on the project in a recent article by DNAinfo.
Chat’s contributions to his community earned him the Cooke Foundation’s 2015 Matthew J. Quinn Prize. Read more about his accomplishments in this profile piece, or view examples of Chat’s art on his website.