Cooke Scholar Community Celebrates College Signing Day


Yesterday, we joined First Lady Michelle Obama and her Reach Higher initiative to celebrate National College Signing Day. As high school seniors commit to their colleges, the First Lady wanted to make sure there is plenty of fanfare, both online and at the Harlem Armory in New York City, where 4,000 students gathered to commemorate College Signing Day. 

“We always celebrate the pro athelete, TV cameras are focused on that signing day, but what about all these kids?” The First Lady explained to MTV News, “the vast majority of kids who were picking their college and they’re making their decision – we wanted to celebrate them, shine the spotlight on them because as we all know, the best path to a steady future is getting your education and training beyond high school. So we want them to feel pumped up about this next phase of their journey.”

Here are some highlights posted throughout the day by the Cooke Scholar community:






#Repost @mykelmiller Super excited to attend Williams College next fall! #reachhigher #bettermakeroom #collegesigningday #rollephs

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