Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Launches New Blog
Welcome to the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation blog! Our blog is designed for you to learn about the Foundation, our exceptional Scholars, our outstanding programs, Foundation events, announcements, videos, as well as news and issues that we’d like to share with you.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is a private, independent foundation dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. Because we believe that high-potential, low-income students will excel educationally when given the resources to develop their talents, the Foundation supports exceptional students from elementary school to graduate school through scholarships, grants, direct service, and knowledge creation and dissemination. Founded in 2000 by the estate of Jack Kent Cooke, the Foundation has awarded $100 million in scholarships to more than 1,900 students, and $70 million in grants to organizations that support our mission.
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